I find it pretty difficult to state where I currently live as I am officially resident in Parma (Italy), but I am constantly on the move between Novara, Milano, Abu Dhabi, Port Said, Alexandria, Cairo, Point Noire, Atyrau, to name a few of the places I often travel to. I also spent long periods in Kuwait, Oman, Romania, Algeria and everywhere my job took me.My education background is “technical”, but the definition might me misleading: Long time ago (it was 1996) I started my work experience in an IT department, but soon after I had the opportunity to radically change and I began managing technical personnel from an operational and logistic point of view.
2008 was turning point as, thanks to the vast experience acquired so far, I was appointed HR recruiter in one of the most important Italian agency/service company operating in the Oil and Gas sector (Read More à Portfolio & Projects).
Since then I never stopped challenging myself, being pushed and motivated by enthusiasm and desire to learn and improve (Read More à Professional Profile).Life is not just work, of course, and many private passions supported both my body and mind over the years: sport (running, scuba diving, cycling, soccer playing), art, photography, music (the romantic rustle of an old record is incredibly valuable to me) (Read More à Life).I like to think the Darwin’s Evolution Theory: “It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is most adaptable to change”. Well, I am evolving a bit more every day, both as a human being, and as a professional. My successful career and my joyful attitude towards life are concrete witnesses of how Darwin was right.